With her sons away from home taking lessons from the masters, Kunti bathed, performed worship of her Ishto Devta and then had meals. Gandhari sent in message that she would visit her in the evening. As such she had no other work on hand. After a long time, she was in a secure physical surroundings unlike in the forest where threats could appear from anywhere anytime in unexpected ways.
Lying on bed, lots of thoughts kept crowding into the mind. Suddenly her childhood came alive before her eyes. The ebullient, lively, intelligent and beautiful daughter of the Vrishni King ‘Shur’ was the cynosure of the entire palace – her parents called her ‘Pritha’. Her sweet demeanour, melodious voice, intelligent words, pleased every one. Her parents could not spend moments without she being around.
But destiny could not grant her so much of happiness.
One night when she was about to enter her parent’s room to say good-bye for that night, she stopped at the door overhearing an animated discussion that seemed to be concerning her. The queen was heard saying:
-‘For God sake, how could you ever think of giving Pritha to your cousin in adoption? How could you be so heartless? Thought even for once, how hard shall it be on my little innocent child?’
‘Relax, Queen. My cousin Kuntibhoj has no child and he loves Pritha just as we do. He has been begging to me. And you know, he will bring Pritha up better than us. Kuntibhojas have so rich royal tradition. She will grow as a highly remarkable princess and make both Vrishnis and Kuntibhojas proud.’ Replied the King.
‘But I cannot live a day without her’.
‘Even I can’t. But daughters never remain permanently with parents. One day they leave for in-laws place. Queen, just remember the promise I made to Kuntibhoj that I will give my first child to him for adoption. How can I break that?’
At the end of a long discussion, the queen had to give in. Pritha did not enter the room. She made de-tour, reached her own room, bolted it, and jumped to the bed. Her heart was shattered and tears streamed down without relent. At the door her mother kept knocking, but she did not respond.
Next morning, the little child woke up much matured. Last night was her first encounter with the impermanence of things and relationship in this mortal world. She brooded and brooded – finally decided not allow grief and emotion to over-power her intelligence and composure. She reckoned her father definitely loved her immensely but also tried to understand his compulsions.
Much of her sadness disappeared on the very day she stepped into the Kuntibhoja’s palace. Her new parents were craving for a child seemingly for ages. They outpoured world of love and affections on her. The footsteps of the princess now started reverberating in the Bhoja palace. Suddenly the place was lit up with hope and joy – the entire royalty, palace maids and servants seemed to smile after long time. Pritha could not anticipate she could give so much happiness to so many people. Soon she started forgetting her grief.
Nice time was back. Pritha was growing up in the shade of the love and affection of her new parents. All royal visitors including friends and relations of Kuntibhoj who had access to the palace were in all praise of the princess. What was particularly striking about Pritha was she combined in herself the best of both Vrishnis and the Kuntibhojas, two important royalties of Bharat. As time passed, Pritha came to be known as Kunti after the name of her new father.
And then that fateful day arrived. In the morning she heard Kuntibhoj talking in hushed but anxious tone to his wife:
‘Possibly this is the biggest challenge we have to meet. Maharishi Durvasha would stay with us for few days. You know his temperament. Even a slight omission or commission may bring us severe curse. Whoever looks after him must be very intelligent, pious and sincere. Do you have anyone in sight who can take this huge responsibility?’
‘I fully agree to what you say. And I find none other than our dear daughter who can do this.’- the queen said.
‘Are you serious? I agree she is full of many good qualities. But she is a tiny little child. Can she handle this enormous task?’
Kunti was unable to see her parents torn into anxieties. She assured them she would not give any opportunity to the saint to complain of any mistakes or faults.
True to her words, Kunti served the fiery saint with extreme sincerity and devotion as long as he remained with the Kuntibhojas. Even Durvasha himself was surprised to see her sincerity, devotion, care and concern. Before parting he blessed her and said:
-‘Mother Kunti, I am very pleased to see the way you took care of me. In fact I find no way to complain of anything. Kuntibhoj has been lucky to get a daughter like you. Now listen carefully:
I grant you an important boon that may be help to you in life. I’m telling you a mantra. You can invoke any God from the high heavens by chanting it and get a son from him. Keep it a secret and never misuse it.’- the fiery saint left the palace after giving the young princess the mantra.
The Kuntibhojas heaved a sigh of relief. Every one was in tenterhook all these days. The royal couple was gladder than all others and they grew more proud of the daughter. Gradually life returned to normalcy.